- Backdrop: .PALETO.Backdrop:. V23 @TMD @Mainstore
- Hat: MOVEMENT - Bucket hat @ManCave @Mainstore
- Pants: KuZ - Tactical Pant @Mainstore
- Pose: Gravity - Justice 1-5+mirrors @Cosmopolitan @Mainstore
- Shirt: ' REINVENT I Latin shirt @ManCave @Mainstore
- Sunglasses: BONDI . Joel Sunglasses @Cosmopolitan @Mainstore
- Backdrop: Amitie | There is No Place Like Home @Uber @Mainstore
- Beanie: [M E M E N T O] - BEAN1E. @Mainstore
- Cake: MOVEMENT - Christmas Bento cakes @Tannebaum @Mainstore
- Glasses: BONDI . Ivy Glasses @Cosmopolitan @Mainstore
- Outfit: *CORDEWA* MALE BOSTON @ALPHAEvent @Mainstore
- Backdrop: .PALETO.Backdrop:. Don't Go @Equal10 @Mainstore
- Cap: [M E M E N T O] - No C4P. @Mainstore
- Coffee: MOVEMENT - Some winter things @ManCave @Mainstore
- Pants: [DUK] - Albe Interactive Sweatpants @Mainstore
- Sweater: GALVANIZED. P Sweatshirt @Equal10 @Mainstore
- Backdrop: MINIMAL - Berlin Subway Scene @Uber @Mainstore
- Coffe: MOVEMENT- To be warm @EventTheFifty @Mainstore
- Jacket: [ hoorenbeek ] Trucker Jacket - Leather & Suede @Mainstore
- Pants: Animosity - Silas Leather Pants @Mainstore
- Shoes: [M E M E N T O] - LVX. Sneakers @ManCave @Mainstore
- Sunglasses: BONDI . Enzo Sunglasses @FaMESHed @Mainstore
Should’ve been adjusted to my life Had the oppurtunity to stay away for the last time...
- 22:32
- By João Lotz
- Backdrop: .PALETO.Backdrop:. HW-65 @NEOJAPAN @Mainstore
- Pants: UNFOLDED / Gio Pants @ALPHAEvent @Mainstore
- Shoes: [ VERSOV ] SCREAMOV_SNKRS @EQUAL10 @Mainstore
- Shirt: Animosity - Falloween @Falloween @Mainstore
- Sunglasses: BONDI . Ripper Glasses @ACCESS @Mainstore
- Sweater: MOVEMENT- Im going @EQUAL10 @Mainstore
- Apple Candy Set: MOVEMENT - Apple candy set @Equal10 @Mainstore
- Pose: [ west end ] Bento Poses - Every Single Inch - Couples @Mainstore
- Towel: [DUK] - Behmilla Towel @Mainstore
- Backdrop: .PALETO.Backdrop: Narrow street @Mainstore
- Coffee Lover: MOVEMENT- Coffee lover @TresChic @Mainstore
- Hair: Modulus - Pierce Hair @FaMESHed @Mainstore
- Headphone: BONDI . Party Headphones V2 @Mainstore
- Jacket: kai. NESK jacket @TMD @Mainstore
- Pants: GALVANIZED. Enzo Jeans @Mainstore
- Shoes: GUTCHI - 8s BSKT Low @Mainstore
- Beard: f u o e y . Jamal Beard @ManCave @Mainstore
- Hairbase: f u o e y . Jamal Hairbase @ManCave @Mainstore
- Necklace: MOVEMENT- Speaker necklace @TMD @Mainstore
- Pose: Animosity - 163 Pose Pack @ManCave @Mainstore
- Short: [DUK] - Dade Interactive Shorts @Mainstore
- Glasses: BONDI . Leon Glasses @Fameshed @Mainstore
- Pose: Animosity - 162 Pose @Mainstore
- Short: ' REINVENT I Surf board shorts @AlphaEvent @Mainstore
- Skin: f u o e y . Leon Skin @Mainstore
- Smoothies: MOVEMENT - Tropical Smoothies @Mainstore
- Tattoo: Animosity - Norseman Tattoo @Mainstore
- Backdrop: .PALETO.Backdrop:. Last Class @warehouse @Mainstore
- Outfit: [ hoorenbeek ] NG Outfit - Ludwig @Mainstore
- Pose: Animosity - C-188 Pose Pack w/Chair @Mainstore
- Vintage Set: MOVEMENT - Chic vintage @Mainstore
- Nighttime: MOVEMENT - Nighttime routine @Collabor88 @Mainstore
- Short: [DUK] - Agnus Interactive Shorts @Mainstore
- Skin: leLAPEAU - Evo X - Josh Skin @ManCave @Mainstore
- Piggy: BONDI . Piggy @TheWarehouseSale @Mainstore
- WireBoi: ERSCH - WireBoi Accessory @Mainstore
The title held by me -- M.I. b Means what you think you saw, you did not see...
- 13:22
- By João Lotz
- Backdrop: .PALETO.Backdrop: YR-UNDERPASS @warehouse @Mainstore
- Cup: MOVEMENT - Modern day wizard @Wizardingfaire @Mainstore
- Outfit: [ hoorenbeek ] NG Outfit - Flynn @Mainstore
- Pose: Animosity - 161 Pose Pack @TheMen'sCloset @Mainstore
- Sunglasses: BONDI . Harry Sunglasses @FaMESHed @Mainstore
- Backdrop: .PALETO.Backdrop: Alley M9 @Mainstore
- Bag: MOVEMENT - Duffle bag collection @ManCave @Mainstore
- Beanie: UNFOLDED / Freddy Beanie @Mainstore
- Outfit: *CORDEWA* MALE BUBBLE SET @AlphaEvent @Mainstore
- Pose: [ west end ] Bento Poses - Ulrik - Male Version @Uber @Mainstore
- Sunglasses: BONDI . Jeff Glasses @AlphaEvent @Mainstore
- Cooler: MOVEMENT- Beer lover @Mainstore
- Hair: Modulus - Davide Hair @FaMESHed @Mainstore
- Short: [DUK] - Camus Short @ManCave @Mainstore
- Slides: GUTCHI - Utility Slides @ManCave @Mainstore
- Sun Tan: Animosity - Sun Tan Lotion Evo x @Biweekly @Mainstore
- Towel: UNFOLDED / Kaleb Beach Towel @Mainstore
- Trunk: MOVEMENT - Picnic trunk @Mainstore
- Outfit: *CORDEWA* MALE ELASTIC SET @ALPHAEvent @Mainstore
- Pose: [ west end ] Bento Poses - Lean - Couples Pose @Mainstore
- Backdrop: .PALETO.Backdrop: HOUSE 201 @ACCESS @Mainstore
- Drone: BONDI . Pam Drone @Mainstore
- Food: MOVEMENT - Burger cup @Thefoodcourt @Mainstore
- Jacket: GALVANIZED. Saints Jacket @ALPHAEvent @Mainstore
- Pants: UNFOLDED // Kai Jeans @Mainstore
- Shoes: GUTCHI - SK8 V2 @ACCESS @Mainstore
- Hair: Modulus - Modulus - Lent Hair @Mainstore
- Milkshake: MOVEMENT- Sweet Milkshake @Mainstore
- Pants: UNFOLDED / Corelli Jeans @Mainstore
- Shirt: [DUK] - Eden Sweatshirt @AlphaEvent @Mainstore
- Shoes: GUTCHI - Turbo Eagle M94 @CyberFair @Mainstore
- Sunglasses: BONDI . Billie Sunglasses @FaMESHed @Mainstore
- Food: MOVEMENT- Wellnes day @Mainstore
- Hat: UNFOLDED / Wang Bucket Hat @Mainstore
- Shoes: HX: Fuego Slides @TMD @Mainstore
- Short: [DUK] - Scott Interactive Shorts @Mainstore
- Tank: GALVANIZED. Saints Tank @Equal10 @Mainstore